If you’re a parent who is considering divorce or who is preparing to begin the process, you’re likely concerned about how this turn of events will affect your child. If your child has always enjoyed school and excelled there, you may be particularly disturbed by...
Family law: It’s a new journey
Month: August 2023
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3 important steps for those considering a stepparent adoption
In many ways, stepparents take on a parental role once they begin cohabitating with a romantic partner who already has a child. They almost inevitably spend significant time with the child by virtue of their romantic relationship and may develop a bond with them. Most...
How long does spousal maintenance last after a divorce?
When people get married and build a family, sacrifices are often part of the process. One spouse might work overtime on the weekends to help afford their children's medical expenses, while the other might potentially give up their career development to raise the...