Parents who don’t live close to their children often have to rely on alternatives to in-person visits. The virtual visits use technology, such as video chats, text messages or emails. By having this contact with each other, the parent and children can build and...
Family law: It’s a new journey
Child Custody
Co-parenting apps can smooth a transition to shared custody
The entire family has to make abrupt adjustments when parents separate or decide to divorce. The division of parenting time between two households can create a number of different logistical challenges. The parents have to change their schedules and find effective...
Does an unmarried father have custody rights?
When married couples have children, there's little question about the rights of the parents. They share responsibility for the children even if they decide to divorce eventually. Arranging for shared custody is standard protocol when married couples divorce. People...
4 communication tips for parents who aren’t together anymore
Parenting with an ex isn’t always easy. Most parents who use this parenting style after ending a romantic relationship already know that they need to do what’s in the best interests of the children. But the “how” not the “what” can remain a challenge regardless. At...
Who decides if virtual school is right for kids post-divorce?
Virtual school classes have been an option for years. Many parents in Indiana have remained reasonably skeptical about the idea of having their children attend remote classes. After the widespread adoption of virtual classes in recent years, people have become more...
How does Indiana handle custody cases if parents move away?
Sharing custody of minor children means coordinating schedules and communicating with a child’s other parent about their needs. Maintaining a certain degree of proximity is also usually very important for Indiana co-parents. After all, frequent custody exchanges...
Who Decides What Faith Your Children Follow If You Share Custody?
Falling in love with someone from another religion may never have seemed like a problem to you. What mattered most was their sense of morality and their faithful observance of their religion, not necessarily which church they attended. The two of you may have been...
What’s The Best Child Custody Plan For Older Kids?
When you and your spouse sat down to discuss your divorce, one of the main topics you were concerned about was how to divide your children’s time between homes and how to make sure they get all they need. You have two older teens, one being 15 and another 17, so you...
How To Improve Chances Of Obtaining Child Custody
Child custody battles can be very stressful and frustrating. Every parent wants to spend as much time with their kids as possible, so you should do all that you can to increase the chances of a favorable decision. Here are some tips you can use to improve your chances...